Boolean algebra (or Boolean lattice) is an algebraic structure capturing the essence of both mathematical logic and axiomatic set theory.
Huntington's axiomatization of Boolean algebra [@Huntington1933]: Given a set $A$, a binary operator $\lor$ and a unary operator $\lnot$, the 3-tuple $(A, \lor, \lnot)$ is a Boolean algebra, if $\forall a, b, c \in A$:
The binary operator $\lor$ is typically called logical OR or join; and the unary operator $\lnot$ is typically called logical NOT or complement.
For a Boolean algebra, two special elements and another binary operator can be defined as:
Boolean algebra satisfies the Boolean laws:
A Boolean algebra is the partial order on subsets defined by inclusion $\subseteq$. A Boolean algebra also forms a complemented distributive lattice. The number of elements of every finite Boolean algebra is a power of two. Each of the elements of b(A) is called a Boolean function. There are $2^{2^n}$ Boolean functions in a Boolean algebra of order $n$.