Convex Optimization



Projection: The projection of a vector on a set is a vector in the set closest to the vector.

Distance: The distance of a vector to a set is its distance to its projection on the set.


Closed convex set (Dual definition): A set is closed and convex, if it is the intersection of all closed half-spaces containing the set.

Min Common / Max Crossing Duality


Global & local minima: Convex function has identical local and global minima.

{Bertsekas2003, 2.2.1} Projection theorem: For a (nonempty) closed convex set C,

  • Projection of arbitrary vector x on C exists and is unique.
  • The projection is equivalent to the vector in C relative to which the orthogonal hyperplane of x separates C and x.
  • Projection on C is a continuous and non-expansive map (weak contractor).
  • Distance to C is a convex function.

{Bertsekas2003, 2.4.1} Supporting Hyperplane Theorem: Any non-interior point of a (nonempty) convex set has some hyperplane that contains the set in one of its closed half-spaces.

[If a set is closed with nonempty interior and has a supporting hyperplane at every point in its boundary, it is convex.]

{Bertsekas2003, 2.4.2} Separating Hyperplane Theorem: Any two disjoint (nonempty) convex sets can be separated by some hyperplane.

{Bertsekas2003, 2.4.3} Strict Separation Theorem: Two disjoint (nonempty) convex sets can be strictly separated by some hyperplane if any of the following holds:

  • Their Minkowski difference is closed. [C_1 - C2]
  • They are closed and one is bounded.
  • They are closed and