A dynamical system is a manifold \(M\) called the phase space (or state space) endowed with a family of smooth evolution functions \(\Phi(t): M \rightarrow M \) that for any evolution parameter \(t \in T\).

\(\Phi_x(t)\), trajectory through \(x\); \(\gamma_x\), orbit through \(x\).

Table: Classification of Dynamical Systems by the Evolution Variable

Time Bi-directional Non-negative
Real line flow semi-flow
Integers map/cascade semi-cascade

The study of dynamical systems is largely qualitative, i.e. on properties that do not change under smooth coordinate transformations.

Nonlinear dynamical systems are typically chaotic.

Ordinary Differential Equations


General Theory

Qulitative Theory

Partial Differential Equations

Solution methods

Special functions

Reaction-diffusion system

Discontinuity: Hyperbolic Conservation Laws