{Cameron book}
Topics and methods:
Important chapters:
The essential components of microeconometric analysis:
Characteristics of microeconometric problems, in contrast to macroeconometrics which models market and aggregate data:
Highly parametric models are sufficiently detailed to capture the complexities of data, but these models can be challenging to estimate. Alternatively, statistical inference can be based on standard errors that are “robust” to complications such as heteroskedasticity and clustering.
Handling unobserved heterogeneity:
Exogeneity Identification
Identifiability of causal economic relations.
Structural models:
If the structural approach is implemented with aggregated data, it will yield estimates of the fundamental parameters only under very stringent (and possibly unrealistic) conditions.
Reduced form models:
Reduced form analysis does not always take into account all causal inter-dependencies
In general, the parameters of the reduced form model are functions of structural parameters. They may not be interpretable without some information about the structural parameters.
three main types of data:
Data source:
aggregate time-series data collected by government agencies