Introduction to numerical analysis

Numerical error: truncation, round off, error propagation,

Numerical Linear Algebra

Linear equations

Classical methods:

  • Direct methods for small and dense matrices:
    • Gaussian elimination: LU decomposition with pivoting ($2/3 n^3$ flops), back substitution ($n^2$ flops);
    • Cholesky or LDL decomposition with symmetric pivoting ($1/3 n^3$ flops), back substitution;
  • Iteration methods for large and sparse matrices: Jacobi iteration, Gauss-Seidel iteration, successive over relaxation, Chebyshev;

Matrix norm, condition number, error estimation.

Krylov subspace methods: (symmetric Lanczos process + LDLt factorization + clever recursions)

  • symmetric positive-definite: conjugate gradient (CG);
  • symmetric: MINRES (minimum residual), SYMMLQ;
  • square: GMRES (general minimum residual), QMR (quasi-minimum residual), BiCG (biconjugate gradient), CGS (CG squared), BiCGStab (BiCG stablilized);
  • least squares: LSQR, LSMR (least-squares minimum residual);

Krylov subspace methods are successful only if they can be effectively preconditioned.

Notes: 用高斯消元法求解时,比较计算后和计算前的主对角元,比值越小、解的精度就少多少(?) (Using double precision floating point number) 系数矩阵条件数在百亿量级(1e10)时, 解的精度大概只有1e-3或1e-4。——陈璞

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

  • power method: acceleration, orthonormalization;
  • inverse iteration;
  • QR decomposition, Jacobi's method;

Root Finding

Solving Nonlinear Equations:

Merit function for solving nonlinear equations is a scalar-valued function that indicates whether a new iterate is better or worse than the current iterate, in the sense of making progress toward a root. Merit functions are often obtained by combining the components of the vector field in some way, e.g. the sum of squares; all of which have some drawbacks.

Line search and trust-region techniques play an equally important role in optimization, but one can argue that trust-region algorithms have certain theoretical advantages in solving nonlinear equations.



Function Approximation



Least squares solution of over-determined systems of equations.

QR decomposition:

  • modified Gram-Schmidt (mGS), $2 m n^2$ flops for an m-by-n matrix A;
  • Householder orthogonalization, $4 (m - n/3) n^2$ flops for the Q matrix, but is more accurate when A is rank-deficient [@Golub2013, Sec 5.2.9];

Numerical Calculus

Numerical integration

Numerical ordinary differential equations

Numerical partial differential equations


  • Isaacson and Keller, 1966. Analysis of Numerical Methods.
  • Hamming, 1962, 1973. Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers.
  • Golub and Van Loan, 1983, 2013. Matrix Computations.
  • Trefethen and Bau, 1997. Numerical Linear Algebra.
  • Dennis and Schnabel, 1983, 1996. Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations.
  • Nocedal and Wright, 1999, 2006. Numerical Optimization.
  • Suli and Mayers, 2003. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis.
  • Hogben (ed.), 2006, 2013. Handbook of Linear Algebra.

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