Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is a standards organization originated in 1994, developing open standards for geospatial content and services, GIS data processing and data sharing.
OGC Standards Baseline consists of:
OGC Abstract Specification: Stored Functions Functions for Coverage Generation Function (G: SRS -> Coverage Extent) Schema Mapping: (R: Coverage Extent -> Schema Range) Metadata Relationships Between Features Observations and Measurements
Most of the OGC standards developed in recent years are standards for the Web services environment, and these standards are collectively referred to as OGC Web Services (OWS).
Bind: End users and their applications can access and exercise resources at run-time.
Processing Services
Catalog Services
Multi-source Integrated Application Client
ARML2.0 Cat: ebRIM App Profile: Earth Observation Products GeoAPI GeoPackage GeoSPARQL Location Services (OpenLS) Moving Features Open GeoSMS OpenMI Ordering Services Framework for Earth Observation Products OWS Context PUCK SWE (Sensor Web Enablement) Service Model Table Joining Service Web Service Common WKT CRS
OGC Reference Model (ORM) describes the relationships between OGC Standards Baseline documents.
Simple Features (officially Simple Feature Access) is both an OGC and ISO 19125.
The OpenGIS Feature Architecture:
Geometry Class Hierarchy:
The OpenGIS Service Architecture: