Everything about OpenStreetMap.
Data Format
Format consideration: compression ratio, processing speed.
, an XML format.
, Protocol buffer Binary Format, the primary binary format that uses Google Protocol Buffers as low-level storage. (<50% the size of XML format)
, a flat binary format. Nobody uses it.
Characteristics of OSM PBF:
- multi-level structure: compressed Blobs - PrimitiveBlocks - PrimitiveGroups - OSM entities
- mapping of one Protobuf type to each OSM entity type is difficult due to the “dense nodes” data type and parallel arrays in OSM data.
- String tables replacing repetitive strings are redundant as Gzip will do an equivalent job.
- Separate Protobuf specifications are used for file block structure and OSM data, which requires implementers write auxiliary code.
- The most effective Protobuf technique applied in PBF is varints for delta-coded fixed-precision coordinates.
Delta coding and variable-byte coding are applied throughout.
Protocol buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. (
, Vanilla Extract exchange format, a binary format invented by Conveyal. Format specification
Data Schema
- entity ID;
- entity types:
- node: coordinates representing a point.
- way: a list of constituent node IDs representing a line connecting multiple nodes. (e.g. street segments, curved path)
- area: a way whose ends are connected.
- relation: a list of reference entity IDs that recursively groups elements.
- tags: key-value pairs describing attributes of an entity. (e.g
author and timestamp metadata.
OSM Cheat Sheet
: the main tag used for identifying any kind of road, street or path.
- restricted access road:
- standard road network:
, primary
, secondary
, tertiary
, unclassified
- smaller road:
, service
- special types:
, living_street
, pedestrian
- paths:
- Extract
, extract data inside a bounding box or polygon.
Overpass Turbo API: query OpenStreetMap data set and extract specific features.
- Editor
- iD, the default online map editor.
JOSM, Java OpenStreetMap (offline, extensible) editor of OSM data, background imagery, and GPX tracks.
- Quality Assurance
KeepRight, data consistency checks for OSM. GitHub Repo
- The Validator feature of JSOM can check and fix invalid data.
- PostgreSQL Loader
- Routing engine
- Renderer
- Mapnik: Cartographic Rendering for OSM
- GMT (Generic Mapping Tools): Cartographic Rendering
Programming Frameworks:
- RESTful APIs: Java
; Python osmapi
; R osmar
- Data processing / parsing libraries: Python
, imposm.parser
, osm4routing
, PyrouteLib2
; Java se.kodapan.osm
, com.gisgraphy.servlet
- Frameworks (suites of modules): Java
, OSMNavigation
, osm4j
- Widgets (integrate OSM into your software): Marble.
- Web maps: Leaflet, OpenLayers, Google Maps API.
Debian GIS Blend meta-packages: