0th-order theory
order of magnitude physics:
- dimensional analysis
- back-of-envelope calculation
numerical approximation to one/two number of significance
1st-order theory
- (single factor) linear theory
- linear elasticity theory
- Fick’s law
- Darcy’s law
- Newton–Raphson method
- asymptotic homogenization
- linearization
2nd-order theory
Forchheimer equation
Higher-order theory: Asymptotics
所有渐进展开方法都是一个思路: "分解" (可分空间上对一组基投影, 不可分空间上的核变换), (排序), 截断近似。
- Taylor expansion
- Spectral methods
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis) of matrices
- K-L expansion, PCE (polynomial chaos expansion)
- Fourier analysis
- Fourier series
- Fourier transform
- generalized Fourier transforms
General non-linear theory
Navier-Stokes equation
- coupling of mechanisms (multi-physics)
- relaxation of assumptions
- generalization:
- single - multiple - countably infinite - continuous (bounded) - continuous (unbounded)
- scalar- vector - sequence - function
- scalar - vector - tensor (matrix)
- real number - complex number
- linear equation - system of linear equations
- linear function - linear transformation - linear functional - linear operator
Complexity of function
- algebraic equation - transcendental equation - ...
Constant to variable
Deterministic to stochastic
- random variable - random vector - random sequence - random waveform
Point to space
- vector - vector space
- matrix - matrix analysis
- function - functional analysis (Hilbert space, Sobolev space)
- random variable - space of random variables (Gaussian Hilbert space)
- Nonlinear models seems to be residues, as common phenomena are well approximated by linear models.
- 定量学科是个细活,娇贵得很。粗糙的问题用不上它。
🏷 Category=Modeling