ZHANG, Ruda March 03, 2021:  More on probabilistic models on manifolds and matrix manifolds, matrix-variate functions, matrix functions. [92128e2]
ZHANG, Ruda March 03, 2021:  Use mathcal for big O notation, to distinguish from the orthogonal group. [69caae9]
ZHANG, Ruda February 25, 2021:  More on analytic function, chaos, time series models, applications of PLoM; refs on measure theory. [10130df]
ZHANG, Ruda August 07, 2020:  Correct math: use 1 with set subscript for characteristic function / indicator function of the set; use "[ x ]" instead of "[x]" to avoid GFM checkbox syntax. [1ac98ba]
ZHANG, Ruda June 27, 2020:  More on manifolds: probability density estimation and approximation. [d64f65d]
ZHANG, Ruda May 26, 2020:  More on random processes: Ito process, diffusion process, diffusion-based MCMC [69e98de]
ZHANG, Ruda May 02, 2020:  More on numerical analysis: Newton method; quasi-Newton methods; optimization; reference books. [67cbfe5]