ZHANG, Ruda April 18, 2021:  More on distances between probability measures; cost of QR. [5ac0164]
ZHANG, Ruda March 09, 2021:  Defind mode, median; more on Gaussian rv, probabilistic models on matrix manifolds. [7c5a23c]
ZHANG, Ruda March 03, 2021:  Use mathcal for big O notation, to distinguish from the orthogonal group. [69caae9]
ZHANG, Ruda June 07, 2020:  Format math. [8fd6378]
ZHANG, Ruda March 27, 2020:  More on probability and statistics. [3ffc48d]
ZHANG, Ruda January 18, 2020:  Convert math-text words to text only when the math symbols are ASCII only. [e4c945c]
ZHANG, Ruda May 22, 2019:  Add a consistent convention of math symbols. [48fd204]
ZHANG, Ruda May 16, 2019:  More on measure space, linear operators. [3390fb8]
ZHANG, Ruda December 30, 2018:  Use dollar style math markup. [1b7036c]
ZHANG, Ruda September 30, 2018:  CSS redesign; more edits. [dd44d96]
ZHANG, Ruda March 23, 2018:  Classification of positive random variables by concentration [6bcd8f6]
ZHANG, Ruda March 23, 2018:  Global remove trailing whitespaces [2b7ff90]
ZHANG, Ruda March 23, 2018:  More on WADGPS, map elements; topology/manifold, math branches, Taleb on probability [46880f6]
Ruda Zhang March 13, 2017:  Modify random variable [84d2614]
Ruda Zhang March 13, 2017:  Modify random variable [0e79f3a]
Ruda Zhang March 13, 2017:  Format math on set theory; split boolean algebra [ed56bd1]
Ruda Zhang March 13, 2017:  Format Random variable [bb8cd5b]
Ruda Zhang June 26, 2016:  one sentence per line [e15360a]
Ruda Zhang June 26, 2016:  add category tag to wiki pages [a9b356c]
Ruda Zhang June 26, 2016:  use canonical filename and no internal H1 [eeca8ff]