Note: Contents in bold are included in Coursera Machine Learning lectures.
A few topics are not identified: regularized regression, neural networks, and anomaly detection.
- Feature extraction and transformation
- Basic statistics: summary statistics, correlations, hypothesis testing
- Anomaly detection: k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbors)
- Neural networks: perceptron, convolutional neural network
- Optimization: stochastic gradient descent, limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS, Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno)
Structured prediction: graphical models (Bayesian network)
Bayesian inference lead to Bayesian networks.
Figure: scikit-learn machine learning algorithm map.
dlib has an alternative map.
Supervised learning is fitting a model to labeled data y
classification if label is categorical, regression if label is quantitative.
Unsupervised learning is finding structure in data:
dimensionality reduction, clustering.
Other areas of machine learning:
Reinforcement learning is concerned with maximizing the reward of a given agent (person, business, etc).
linear regression
- Linear classifiers:
- Generative model: linear discriminant analysis (LDA), naive Bayes classifier;
- Discriminative model: Logistic regression (logit), support vector machines (SVM), perceptron;
- Isotonic regression;
- k-means clustering;
- hierarchical clustering (dendrogram);
- Gaussian mixture;
- power iteration clustering (PIC);
- latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA);
Standardization is required in case of different units.
- singular value decomposition (SVD);
- principal component analysis (PCA): find the direction (or orthogonal directions) in a Euclidean space that explain the most sample variance (minimize the residual sum of squares);

Programming Tools
Machine Learning:
- R:
, randomForest
, gbm
, e1071
(interface to libsvm), caret
, and more.
- Python: scikit-learn
H2O: GLM (Generalized linear models), GBM (Gradient boosting machine; also supports random forest), GLRM (generalized lower rank models), deep neural network.
xgboost: Gradient boosting machine.
- Vowpal Wabbit
- Spark: MLlib
H2O scales the best (fastest without lesser accuracy) for the algorithms it supports on data over ~10M records and as long as it fits in memory of a single machine.
(Benchmark for GLM, RF, GBM)
Deep Learning:
- Python:
, Theano
- Java: Deeplearning4j
- C++/CUDA: Caffe, cuda-convnet2
- TensorFlow
🏷 Category=Computation Category=Machine Learning